VBA PRONAĐI SLJEDEĆU | Kako koristiti funkciju FindNext u programu Excel VBA?

Excel VBA Pronađi dalje

Kao u Excelu kada pritisnemo CTRL + F, pojavit će se okvir čarobnjaka koji nam omogućuje pretragu vrijednosti u danom radnom listu i kada se vrijednost pronađe kliknemo na next (Pronađi) kako bismo pronašli drugu sličnu vrijednost, jer je to značajka radnog lista također ga može koristiti u VBA kao metodu svojstva aplikacije kao application.findnext za iste svrhe.

Pronalaženje određene vrijednosti u spomenutom rasponu je u redu, ali što ako je zahtjev pronaći vrijednost s više pojavljivanja. U jednom od ranijih članaka raspravljali smo o metodi „Pronađi“ u VBA-u i ona uopće nije složena, ali pronalaženje svih ponavljajućih pojava moguće je samo pomoću metode „Pronađi sljedeće“ u excelu VBA.

U ovom ćemo vam članku pokazati kako koristiti ovo „Pronađi sljedeće“ u programu Excel VBA.

Što je Find Next u programu Excel VBA?

Kao što riječ kaže "Pronađi sljedeće", znači iz pronađene ćelije nastavite tražiti sljedeću vrijednost dok se ne vrati natrag u izvornu ćeliju u kojoj smo započeli pretragu.

Ovo je napredna verzija metode "Pronađi" koja pretražuje samo jednom spomenutu vrijednost u spomenutom rasponu.

Ispod je sintaksa metode FIND NEXT u programu Excel VBA.

Nakon: To je riječ koju tražimo.

Primjeri metode Pronađi sljedeću u programu Excel VBA

Ispod su primjeri metode pronalaska sljedećeg u excelu VBA.

Na primjer, pogledajte podatke u nastavku.

Ovaj VBA Pronađi sljedeći Excel predložak možete preuzeti ovdje - VBA Pronađi sljedeći Excel predložak

Korak # 1 - U tim podacima moramo pronaći naziv grada “Bangalore”. Pokrenimo potpostupak u uređivaču visual basic.


 Sub RangeNext_Example () Kraj Sub 

Korak # 2 - Prvo proglasite varijablu objektom „Raspon“.


 Sub RangeNext_Example () Dim Rng As Range End Sub 

Korak # 3 - Postavite referencu za varijablu objekta na "Raspon (" A2: A11 ").


 Sub RangeNext_Example () Dim Rng As Range Set Rng = Range ("A2: A12") End Sub 

Budući da su naši podaci s popisa gradova u rasponu ćelija od A2 do A11 samo u ovom rasponu, potražit ćemo grad "Bangalore".

Budući da smo referencu raspona postavili na varijablu "Rng", koristimo ovu varijablu umjesto da svaki put koristimo RANGE ("A2: A11").

Korak # 4 - Upotrijebite varijablu RNG i otvorite metodu Pronađi.


 Sub RangeNext_Example () Dim Rng As Range Set Rng = Range (Range ("A2: A12") Rng. Find End Sub 

Korak # 5 - Prvi argument metode FIND je "Što", tj. Ono što pokušavamo pretraživati ​​u spomenutom rasponu, pa je vrijednost koju pretražujemo "Bangalore".


 Sub RangeNext_Example () Dim Rng As Range Set Rng = Range ("A2: A12") Rng.Find What: = "Bangalore" End Sub 

Korak # 6 - Da bismo pokazali u kojoj smo ćeliji pronašli ovu vrijednost, prijavite još jednu varijablu kao niz.


 Sub RangeNext_Example () Dim Rng As Range Dim CellAddress As String Set Rng = Range ("A2: A12") Rng.Find What: = "Bangalore" End Sub 

Korak # 7 - Za ovu varijablu dodijelite pronađenu adresu ćelije.


 Sub RangeNext_Example () Dim Rng As Range Dim CellAddress As String Set Rng = Range ("A2: A12"). Find (What: = "Bangalore") Rng.Find What: = "Bangalore" CellAddress = Rng.Address End Sub 

Napomena: RNG.Address jer će RNG imati referencu za pronađenu ćeliju vrijednosti.

Korak # 8 - Sada u prikazu poruke u VBA prikaži rezultat dodijeljene varijable adrese ćelije.

 Sub RangeNext_Example () Dim Rng As Range Dim CellAddress As String Set Rng = Range ("A2: A12"). Find (What: = "Bangalore") Rng.Find What: = "Bangalore" CellAddress = Rng.Address MsgBox CellAddress End Pod 

Korak # 9 - Pokrenite kod i pogledajte što ćemo ovdje dobiti.

So we have found the value “Bangalore” in the cell A5. With the Find method, we can find only one cell so instead of FIND we need to use FIND NEXT in excel VBA.

Step#10 – We need to reference the range object variable but by using the FIND NEXT method in excel VBA.


 Sub RangeNext_Example() Dim Rng As Range Dim CellAdderess As String Set Rng = Range("A2:A12").Find(What:="Bangalore") Rng.Find What:="Bangalore" CellAddress = Rng.Address MsgBox CellAddress Set Rng = Range("A2:A12").FindNext(Rng) End Sub 

As you can see above we have used the VBA FIND NEXT method but inside the function, we have used a range object variable name.

Step#11 – Now again assign the cell address and show the address in the message box.


 Sub RangeNext_Example() Dim Rng As Range Dim CellAdderess As String Set Rng = Range("A2:A12").Find(What:="Bangalore") Rng.Find What:="Bangalore" CellAddress = Rng.Address MsgBox CellAddress Set Rng = Range("A2:A12").FindNext(Rng) CellAddress = Rng.Address MsgBox CellAddress End Sub 

Step#12 – Run the macro and see what we get in the first message box.

Step#13 – The first message box shows the value “Bangalore” found in the cell A5, click on the Ok button to see the next found value.

The second value found in A7 cell, press Ok to continue.

VBA Find Next (Using Loop)

It will exit the VBA subprocedure but we are one more to be found in cell A10. When the values are to be found in more than one cell then it is a better idea to use loops.

In this case, too we have value “Bangalore” in more than one cell, so we need to include loops here.

Step#14 – First, declare two variables as the range.


 Sub RangeNext_Example1() Dim Rng As Range Dim FindRng As Range End Sub 

Step#15 – Set the reference for the first variable as shown below.


 Sub RangeNext_Example1() Dim Rng As Range Dim FindRng As Range Set Rng = Range("A2:A11").Find(What:="Bangalore") End Sub 

Step#16 – For the second variable set the reference by using the FIND VBA function.

 Sub RangeNext_Example1() Dim Rng As Range Dim FindRng As Range Set Rng = Range("A2:A11").Find(What:="Bangalore") Set FindRng = Rng.FindNext("Bangalore") End Sub 

Step#17 – Before we start searching for the value we need to identify from which cell we are starting the search, for that declares the variable as a string.


 Sub RangeNext_Example1() Dim Rng As Range Dim FindRng As Range Set Rng = Range("A2:A11").Find(What:="Bangalore") Set FindRng = Rng.FindNext("Bangalore") Dim FirstCell As String FirstCell = Rng.Address End Sub 

Step#18 – For this variable assign the first cell address.


 Sub RangeNext_Example1() Dim Rng As Range Dim FindRng As Range Set Rng = Range("A2:A11") Set FindRng = Rng.Find(What:="Bangalore") Dim FirstCell As String FirstCell = Rng.Address End Sub 

Step#19 – Now we need to include the “Do While” loop to loop through all the cells and find the searching value.


 Sub RangeNext_Example1() Dim Rng As Range Dim FindRng As Range Set Rng = Range("A2:A11").Find(What:="Bangalore") Set FindRng = Rng.FindNext("Bangalore") Dim FirstCell As String FirstCell = Rng.Address Do Loop While FirstCell  Cell.Address End Sub 

Inside the loop mention the message box and VBA FIND NEXT method.

Step#20 – Below is the complete code for you.


 Sub FindNext_Example() Dim FindValue As String FindValue = "Bangalore" Dim Rng As Range Set Rng = Range("A2:A11") Dim FindRng As Range Set FindRng = Rng.Find(What:=FindValue) Dim FirstCell As String FirstCell = FindRng.Address Do MsgBox FindRng.Address Set FindRng = Rng.FindNext(FindRng) Loop While FirstCell  FindRng.Address MsgBox "Search is over" End Sub 

Step#21 – This will keep showing all the matching cell address and in the end, it will show the message as “Search is Over” in the new message box.

Things to Remember

  • FIND method can find only one value at a time.
  • FIND NEXT in excel VBA can find the next value from the already found value cell.
  • Use Do While loop to loop through all the cells in the range.